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GAEB-Data Exchange

For current information concerning the updating and further development of GAEB DA XML and schema-files, please visit

Issued as GAEB DA XML (PAS 1067) in German and English.

For current information concerning the updating and further development of GAEB DA XML and schema-files, please visit


Schema Lib (=library) entspricht der gesamt Schemadatei für alle Austauschphasen Info

X31 Musterdatei

X52 Schema

X61 SchemaMusterdatei

X80 Schema

X81 Schema

X82 Schema

X83 Schema

X83Z SchemaMusterdatei

X84 Schema

X84P Schema + X83 + X84 erforderlich

X84Z SchemaMusterdatei

X85 Schema

X86 Schema

X86ZE SchemaMusterdatei

X86ZR SchemaMusterdatei

X87 Schema

X89 Schema

X93 Schema

X94 Schema

X96 Schema

X97 Schema

X98 Schema

X99 Schema

Fachdokumentation Synopse V 3.2-2


Schema Lib (=library) entspricht der gesamt Schemadatei für alle Austauschphasen Info

X31 Schema

X52 Schema

X61 SchemaMusterdatei

X80 Schema

X81 Schema

X82 Schema

X83 Schema

X84 Schema

X84P Schema

X85 Schema

X86 Schema

X87 Schema

X89 Schema

X93 Schema

X94 Schema

X96 Schema

X97 Schema

Issued as GAEB DA XML (PAS 1067) in German and English.

Download GAEB-Xml-Checker-3.1-2009-12 (
Please click here for the download.
What is the purpose of GAEB-XML-Checker?
GAEB-XML-Checker only tests the content of GAEB namespaces.
GAEB-XML-Checker tests the content of a GAEB file against a schema-file. Displayed error messages were created by the parser used. Testing that goes beyond the formal schema check is not carried out.
Which GAEB-files are checked against which schema?
The Parser chooses the suitable schema dependent on the content of some fields of the GAEB-file. GAEB-XML-Checker contains the necessary schemata.
The file will be interpreted as invalid without a schema test, if the file to be checked is not a XML-file or if the corresponding fields of the XML-file are not usable.

<GAEBInfo>/<Version> <Award>/<DP> <GAEBInfo>/<VersDate> XML-Schema
3.0 84 beliebig GAEB_DA_XML_3_0_84
3.0 81, 82, 83, 85, 86 beliebig GAEB_DA_XML_3_0_8x
3.1 84 beliebig, außer einem weiter unten aufgeführtem Wert GAEB_DA_XML_3_1_2007_11_84
3.1 81, 82, 83, 85, 86 beliebig, außer einem weiter unten aufgeführtem Wert GAEB_DA_XML_3_1_2007_11_8x
3.1 93, 94, 96, 97 beliebig, außer einem weiter unten aufgeführtem Wert GAEB_DA_XML_3_1_2007_11_9x
3.1 84 2009-12 GAEB_DA_XML_3_1_2009_12_84
3.1 81, 82, 83, 85, 86, 87 2009-12 GAEB_DA_XML_3_1_2009_12_8x
3.2 31 2013-10 GAEB_DA_XML_3_2_2013_10_31
3.2 52 2013-10 GAEB_DA_XML_3_2_2013_10_52
3.2 80 2013-10 GAEB_DA_XML_3_2_2013_10_80
3.2 81 2013-10 GAEB_DA_XML_3_2_2013_10_81
3.2 82 2013-10 GAEB_DA_XML_3_2_2013_10_82
3.2 83 2013-10 GAEB_DA_XML_3_2_2013_10_83
3.2 84 2013-10 GAEB_DA_XML_3_2_2013_10_84
3.2 85 2013-10 GAEB_DA_XML_3_2_2013_10_85
3.2 86 2013-10 GAEB_DA_XML_3_2_2013_10_86
3.2 87 2013-10 GAEB_DA_XML_3_2_2013_10_87
3.2 89 2013-10 GAEB_DA_XML_3_2_2013_10_89
3.2 93 2013-10 GAEB_DA_XML_3_2_2013_10_93
3.2 94 2013-10 GAEB_DA_XML_3_2_2013_10_94
3.2 96 2013-10 GAEB_DA_XML_3_2_2013_10_96
3.2 97 2013-10 GAEB_DA_XML_3_2_2013_10_97