STLB-BauZ is a database oriented text and price storage for regularly occurring building maintenance services. It builds the basis for the process of term contract works according to Bidding procedure according to § 4 Nr. 3 VOB/A or the Bidding up and bidding down procedure according to § 4 Nr. 4 VOB/A.
The contract conditions of the German Construction Contract Procedures (VOB) are the basis for the standard texts of STLB-BauZ. For the single work categories, the trade specific General Technical Terms and Conditions for Construction Work (ATV) – DIN 18300 to 18451 as well as the ATV General rules for all types of building work – DIN 18299 are valid.
Standard specifications are general regulations and contain for example technical regulations, accounting rules, specifications concerning building material and building parts, indications concerning the location of the execution.Standard specifications are general regulations and contain for example technical regulations, accounting rules, specifications concerning building material and building parts, indications concerning the location of the execution.
Standard specifications of work are texts concerning unambiguous and exhaustive specifications of construction works according to § 7 VOB/A.
Ancillary services according to section 4.1 of VOB/C are not described, unless different statements have been made in the standard specifications.
In the drawing up of the standard specifications of work according to VOB/C, it always has to be assumed, that the described works include the delivery of the corresponding material and building parts if nothing else is prescribed. This is why the delivery of material and building parts is not explicitly mentioned in STLB-BauZ.
If the job title explicitly demands for example “install only” or “lay only”, material and construction parts are to be delivered separately. The corresponding material for attachment like e.g. glue, screws or plugs is part of the work scope though.
STLB-BauZ is available as a book or on a data carrier (CD). The clearly arranged display in table format makes the compilation of the framing specifications of work and the calculations of the bidding up and bidding down procedure easier. Every possible text combination is connected to a standard price..
For a further usage of the data found on the CD, an AVA or calculation program with the interface STLB-BauZ XML V2 is needed.
Additional Informations
Detailed Informations to the current Version of STLB-BauZ 2014-01 (only in German)
In order to download the demo version for free, please register with myBeuth via this link.