HA GAEB makes fundamental decisions concerning the work of the GAEB according to the GAEB’s rules of procedure (Arbeitsanleitung HA GAEB). The chairman is appointed by the general assembly of the DVA.
The members of HA GAEB consist of representatives of the full and associate DVA members. Furthermore, the leaders of the working groups are voting members of HA GAEB. Experts and/or guests may also be called in for deliberations of the Sub Committee.
Full members of the DVA are
- On the client side:
Institutions which are directly involved in the awarding of public construction contracts as supreme federal or state authorities, or in any other comparable form of organisation, or as nationally active umbrella organisations (federal, state ministries and municipal umbrella organisations)
- On the contractor side:
Institutions operating nationwide, which, as an umbrella organisation, represent the interests of contractors in the field of public construction contracts
Institutions active nationwide in the field of construction procurement and building contracts or rationalisation in the building industry by means of electronic data processing can be admitted to the DVA as associate members.
The office is located in the division of the Federal Ministry responsible for construction at the Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning (BBR) in Bonn.
The staff of the GAEB office supervises the execution of the decisions taken by the HA GAEB and coordinate the work of the sub committee’s bodies.
Information on Working Groups
The Working Groups coordinate the concerns of the committees assigned to them and prepare draft resolutions for HA GAEB. They also decide on issues on wich no agreement could be reached in the assigned Task Groups or Project Groups.
Working Group 0 deals with the principal issues of the GAEB-work.
It develops strategies and prepares resolutions for the HA GAEB.
Working Groups 1 to 3 coordinate the development, updating and maintenance of the service categories of STLB-Bau and manage the Task Groups.
- Working Group 1 – Building Construction
- Working Group 2 – Civil engineering, Landscape Architecture and Track Construction
- Working Group 3 – Building services
Working Group 7 coordinates the development, updating and maintenance of the service categories 600 to 699 of STLB-BauZ.
Working Group 13 deals with principles related to GAEB Data Exchange.
It develops normative regulations for the structure of the bill of quantities and for the electronic exchange of structured technical information on construction contract (GAEB-DA).
Due to the diversity of their tasks,Working Groups 0 and 13 have the possibility to establish Project Groups. In contrast to Task Groups, these work on project-oriented basis.
The Task Groups of the service categories 000 to 099 develop and maintain standardized texts for the description of construction work according to the following aspects:
- Conformity with standards
- VOB-compliance
- Product neutrality
The members of the Task Groups regularly observe construction development on the market, collect and evaluate relevant standards, rules and regulations as well as costumer suggestions. They advise on and implement proposals for changes and additions to the current version of STLB-Bau.