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Organization of the exchange of information on the execution of construction works: GAEB data exchange XML

GAEB DA XML is supposed to serve the agreement of a uniform standard for the exchange of building information and thus to support all requirements to electronic processes concerning public notice, contracting and accounting in the execution of construction works. GAEB DA XML describes data exchange processes that make the transfer of complex structures into the internationally recognized description language eXtensible Markup Language (XML).

XML files can be electronically encoded and authorized.
GAEB DA XML, Version 3.0 has been updated constantly. All previous regulations concerning the data exchange are not technically supported by GAEB anymore. There is no compatibility to the previous syntax of the regulations of 1985, 1990, 2000 Version 1.2.
Results from practical application of the previous regulations as well as remarks by the users have been considered in the current version “GAEB DA XML 3.2”.
GAEB recommends to use this standard as the standard for the establishment of new program systems in the course of the updating process.

Service scope GAEB DA XML Version 3.2:

  • Development of bill of quantities
  • GAEB- data exchange XML (GAEB DA XML)
  • Schema file (.xsd) and
  • Technical documentation of the following phases

One of the main goals of GAEB (German Joint Committee for Electronics in Construction) is the enhancement of the quality of the electronic data exchange. One essential part here is the certification of software programs from divers fields of application. Thereby, the efforts made by GAEB are supported professionally, content related and actively by the Bundesverband Bausoftware e.V. BVBS.BVBS offers a certification for the data exchange according to GAEB DA XML 3.1. Here, the areas “Execution” and “AVA” are differentiated. Binding assessment criteria were established for both areas that are checked and recorded in a certification. The certificate is only issued and conformity with the established criteria is only attested after a successful check.

The certification only applies to a certain software version that is also mentioned in the certificate, since software applications constantly have to adapt to new and changed requirements. The certificate is valid for 5 years starting from the date of certification. After this time period, either a new first certification has to be applied for or the current certificate loses its validity. The software provider can apply for re-certification during the period of validity in the case of a change of version or an update. In the case of a successful re-certification, a new certificate is issued which contains the changed version number and the new test and validity date.

The certified software version gets a corresponding certification seal and a certification document. On it is apparent when the certification took place and when the validity period is over. Certified software versions guarantee high security in the smooth data exchange according to GAEB DA XML Version 3.1.

Additional information is available on the homepage of the BVBS (only in German)

Die bisherigen Regelungen zum Datenaustausch GAEB DA XML “Organisation des Austauschs von Informationen über die Durchführung von Baumaßnahmen” wurden von der dafür zuständigen Arbeitsgruppe 13 “Grundsatz Datenaustausch” des GAEB weiterentwickelt und als überarbeitete Version 3.2 Ausgabe 2013-10 zum 15.10.2013 in Kraft gesetzt und zur Anwendung freigegeben.

Die überarbeitete Version GAEB DA XML 3.2 beinhaltet zusätzlich die folgenden neuen Datenaustauschphasen:

  • X31 Mengenermittlung
  • X52 Kalkulationsdaten
  • X89 Rechnung

By order of the Federal Ministry for Transport, Building and Urban Affairs, GAEB has issued the following research project via the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development in the course of the research initiative “Future Building” in 2009:
Regulation of the future application of the GAEB-data exchange in the execution of construction works of government authorities
Contractor of the research project was MWM Software & Beratung GmbH, Bonn.
The result of this research project also was the documentation tool TIGA. The application of TIGA is supposed to lead to a new quality of the GAEB – data exchange documentation.
The documented methods for the future enhancement possibilities of the GAEB data exchange result in more security and quality for government authorities and thus a timely and financial advantage. The complex GAEB-structure and the GAEB- data exchange developments of the last years lead to the conclusion that ” GAEB DS XML 3.1 can only be understood, if the documents GAEB 90 and GAEB DA 2000 are known.” In order to ensure this, current documentation has been replenished with parts from GAEB 90, GAEB DA 2000 and GAEB DA XML 3.0.
Besides this useful supplements, particular emphasis was lain on the following additional information that has not been available before:

  • From which GAEB version does the element or object stem?
  • Does the element or object described appear in GAEB 90?
  • Does the element or object described appear in GAEB DA 2000?
  • Is it an element or object of a core area that has to be newly defined?
  • In what kind of data is the element or object a can-, must-, or not necessary area. Or is this information still unknown (e.g. for DA 89)?
  • In which object is the element applied?
  • Description of the object or element. This is subcategorized in the areas commentary, guideline, dependence/regulations

With the documentation tool provided by GAEB for free you can work directly online. Therefore please use this link
You can enter terms that appear in the structure of the GAEB-data exchange in the field “search”. The intelligence of the search engine allows for terms in either German or English to be put in.
In the input of the search words, establishment of the term is supported by an intelligent text recognition system.
Text input suggestions are displayed on the right next to ‘search’, which can be put in then.

Additional Information

Alle notwendigen dv-technischen Informationen zur Fortschreibung und Weiterentwicklung von GAEB DA XML mit Musterdateien und Fachdokumentation stehen unter kostenfrei zur Verfügung.